
Query options


order by




Query grammar


= equals

!= not equals

< less than

<= less than or equals

> greater than

>= greater than or equals

=~ to match against a regular expression

!=~ does not match this regular expression

in member of a list (e.g. prop in ["foo", "bar"])

can be combined with and


{{today}}: Today’s date in the usual YYYY-MM-DD format

{{tomorrow}}: Tomorrow’s date in the usual YYY-MM-DD format

{{yesterday}}: Yesterday’s date in the usual YYY-MM-DD format

{{lastWeek}}: Current date - 7 days

{{nextWeek}}: Current date + 7 days

{{page}}: The name of the current page

Data Sources


list of all pages

Default Description Example
name name of page Software
lastModified Unix timestamp 1679831405020
contentType MIME text/markdown
size size in bytes 1656
perm file permissions rw


list of all attachments

Default Description Example
name name of attachement picture.png
lastModified Unix timestamp 1679834677347
contentType MIME image/png
size size in bytes 20725
perm file permissions rw


list of all tasks (created with - [ ]) across all pages

Default Description Example
name whole task name buy milk #shopping
done bool false
page page name Software
pos line number 252
(deadline) if task contains date 2023-02-01
(tags) if task contains tags tag1, tag2


use it with where phrase = "SOME_TEXT". List of all pages where SOME_TEXT is mentioned

only full matches work

Default Description Example
name page name Software
score search score -1.3154881219957772
snippet context long snippet


list of ordered and unordered items such as bulleted lists across all pages

Default Description Example
name whole task name buy milk #shopping
page page name Software
pos line number 15
(tags) if item contains tag shopping


list of all hashtags used in all pages

Default Description Example
name tag name shopping
freq frequency 4

list of all pages giving a link to the page where query is written

Default Description Example
name page name Software
pos line number 514


Default Description Example
page page where the data is saved Data1
pos line number 514

You can insert data using the syntax below. You can query the data using the data source.

If you want to query only from one datasource you can put it one one page and filter with where page = "Datapage"